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Creative Motion Dance Studio Policy

Quick reference for current or prospective students & parents;

Registration: All families are assessed a registration fee of $25.00. This fee includes 2 adult tickets to the spring recital. The registration fee is non-refundable once a student has attended a class.
Recital/Costume Fees: Costume Fees will be billed to the family account 2 weeks in to the start of the semester, and will be due by Oct. 15th and Feb. 15th. Students not participating in a recital must submit written notice to the studio no later than Oct. 1st/Feb. 1st to have the costume fee waived. Due to ordering deadlines, families will be responsible for all costumes fees once the deadline has passed, regarless of studio enrollment or recital participation. Costume fees are non-refundable after Oct. 1st/Feb. 1st.
Payment of Fees: Tuition balance must be kept current. Tuition is divided into 6 equal payments and is due the first class of Sept.-Feb. You may elect to make more than 6 payments, so long you keep your account current. Any account falling past due is subject to a $10 a month late fee and may forfeit any applicable discounts. All returned checks are subject to a $25 NSF fee.
Withdrawal and Refunds: Should a student need/want to withdraw from a class, the family should request a withdrawl form from the studio office. Once the form is completed and returned, the student will be considered withdrawn. Failure to attend class does not squal a withdrawl. Tuition will then be charged/prorated on a monthly basis through one month following the receipt of the completed withdrawl form. Registration fee is non-refundable once a student has attended a class, and the costume fee is non-refundable after Oct. 1st/Feb. 1st.
Inclement Weather or Unexpected Interruption of Classes: Our general rule of thumb regarding weather: If school is cancelled in the morning, please check the website after 2pm for a class update - many times the conditions have improved. If school is let out early due to weather, there will be no class that evening. If after school activities are cancelled due to weather, there will be no class that evening.
Each class has one built in snow day per semester. If more than one day is cancelled due to weather, the class will be made up before the end of the semester. If class is cancelled due to instructor illness, the class will be made up, even if it is the first cancelled class.
Substitutions: The school reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regularly scheduled teacher is ill or otherwise unable to teach classes. If a teacher is ill and the school cannot arrange a substitute any missed classes will be made up.
Dance Dress Code: Required dancewear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes. Proper footwear and attire allows a dancer to move freely while allowing the instructor to view posture and technique and make corrections if necessary. Failure to wear required dancewear to class could result in students being asked to sit out the class. Repeated failure to wear required dancewear could result in termination of lessons. Students are not permitted to wear jeans or shoes worn on the street or outdoors, to any dance class. For safety reasons dancers are not permitted to wear jewelry. Long hair must be tied back. Click here for a full dress code.
Dance Class Attendance and Lateness: The school reserves the right to have students who come late to class, sit out the class. A proper warm up is necessary for a dancer's focus and safety and late students may miss that portion of class. Repeated lateness may result in termination of lessons. A minimum attendance level will be required. If a student misses more than 4 classes without written notices, the school reserves the right to terminate lessons.
Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events: It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of all school activities, such as viewing days, recitals, extra classes, and dates the school is open or closed. The school will post all such notices on the studio web site, waiting area bulletin board, facebook page, as well as sending notices and emails home with the students. It is the parent’s responsibility to regularly check these boards to ensure they are informed. It is the responsibility of the parents or adult students to inform the school of any address or telephone number or email change.
Care of Students: The school is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Please do not have students arrive to class more than 10 minutes prior to the start of class, and please be prompt in picking them up when their class is dismissed. We understand that special circumstances can and will arrise, and will be understanding in these rare instances.
Injuries: Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on school property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after class time.
Photo Release: The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs of the students to use in brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name.