Creative Motion Calendar
Dec. 11th-15th | Music Selection Week - last class |
This week we will be picking our recital songs for second semester, and if we get that done, we will look at costumes too! Also, we will take time to make cards for our wounded Troops.
Dec. 22nd | Holiday Party |
Make sure to RSVP in the studio this week. More information will be sent to those who RSVP!
Jan. 16th | First Classes Back for Second Semester! |
We simply cannot wait to get back to classes! This is going to be the best semester yet! | |
Jan. 29th - Feb 2nd | Parents Participation/Observation Week |
Parents are welcome to participate the entire class or they may observe the last 10-15 minutes of class (when a teacher or assistant calls you in). This is your opportunity to see exactly how class is run, from warm-up, through technique lessons and practice, and then view how choreography is taught. If you haven’t participated in an parent week yet, we encourage you to do so at least once! You and your student will enjoy it very much! |
Feb. 12th-16th | Valentine's Week |
Students are welcome to bring Valentine’s and/or treats for their classmates this week. An email with student names will be sent the week before classes (once we settle in to second semester). |
Feb. 26th | Volunteer Sign Ups Posted |
Volunteer Sign Ups will be posted in a binder in the studio waiting area (hall in Hillsboro). Please take a moment to look through and sign up where you can help. We need a fair amount of help to make the show run smoothly and rely on parent’s volunteering their time to help keep show costs down. The minimum number of volunteers we need is less that the number of studio families we have, so if every family could sign up for one spot we would be in great shape! Thanks! |
March 9th-11th | Choralier Home Show |
We have a large number of students (including ALL of our TAs/ATs!) who are in one of the districts 4 show choirs this year! Please support the arts and attend one of the shows (and support our students!). |
March 15th | Spring Studio & Spring Recital Gear Orders Due |
Spring studio gear and recital gear orders are due by 5pm today. **In order to keep overall costs down for studio families, we are no longer able to supply a recital tee to all students this year. We will be able to offer our students who wish to order a tee one at cost. A studio gear and recital gear order form will be available in the end of January. |
April 2nd-8th | Reedsburg School District Spring Break - No Classes |
There will be no classes in Reedsburg or Hillsboro the week of April 2nd-8th during the Reedsburg School District Spring Break. |
April 14th-15th | Midwest Starz Dance Comeptition - Kalahari Resort |
Our competition dancers will be competing in the Midwest Starz Regional Dance competition at the Kalahari Resort in WI Dells, WI this weekend. There is no charge to view this competition, and it is a great opportunity for your student to see a LOT of dance! We will post our competitors times once we receive them!
April 25th | Tentative Picture Day |
We have tentatively marked April 25th for picture day. Class times will be sent with tehcnical rehearsal times. | |
April 30th-May 5th | SHOW WEEK! - "Greatest Show on Earth! Celebrating 10 years!" |
Help us celebrate 10 years of bringing arts to the community by joining us for “The Greatest Show on Earth!” The rehearsal schedule will be sent in the February Footnotes and posted in the studio waiting areas. | |
May 4th-5th | SHOW TIME! |
Show time is Friday, May 4th at 7pm and Saturday, May 5th at 2pm. Make sure to invite all your friends and family! | |
May 14th-June 15th | Parade Rehearsals |
We will once again participate in the Butterfest Parade. Rehearsals for the parade will take place over the course of the month between regular classes and the parade itself, but will not be during regular class times. A schedule will be available later in the spring. | |